Analysis of Beverage-Spoiling Organisms
A little more safety? Microbiological analysis services for beverage producers.
Microbiological quality assurance presents beverage producers with constantly increasing and changing challenges. That’s why more and more companies apply alternative methods for detection of beverage-spoiling microorganisms in order to achieve faster or more precise results than conventional culture-based methods can provide. For this reason, many beverage manufacturers have integrated vermicon AG’s VIT® system into their routine analysis, in order to ensure a high level of safety within the framework of microbiological quality assurance. Among those there are breweries as well as manufacturers of non-alcoholic beverages and raw material and ingredient producers. Having been developed for the companies’ in-house analysis, these test systems cover a broad spectrum of different microorganisms.
Publication language: German
Dipl.-Biol. Dieter Sedlmair (2008): Darf’s ein bisschen mehr Sicherheit sein? Mikrobiologische Service-Analytik für Getränkeproduzenten. In: HYGIENE Report 4/ 2008, p. 30-31.