VIT® for Filaments
Rapid analysis of the most problematic filamentous bacteria
Item Number: 01130015
Lab analysis: detection of filamentous bacteria in wastewater
By using special gene probes the most important problem causing filamentous bacteria in wastewater are analyzed. Only living bacteria will be detected.
Results are displayed according to the VIT® keys. The report contains a representative photo documentation that visualizes the filamentous bacteria in the wastewater sample.
You will find a detailed description in our article dealing with filaments in activated sludge.
Qualitative oder quantitative detection?
Semi-quantitative detection
Which method is applied?
The reliable VIT® gene probe technology.
Which requirements are important?
Please request our simple protocol for fixation of wastewater samples. Make sure that you fix/stabilize your samples in the indicated manner before sending the samples to us.
You would prefer to perform the analysis on site? We offer a range of kits for filamentous bacteria:
VIT® 021N/Thiothrix
VIT® Chloroflexi
VIT® Haliscomenobacter
VIT® Microthrix
VIT® Nocardia
VIT® Nostocoida limicola II
Detected filamentous bacteria
Alysiosphaera |
Chloroflexi |
Eikelboom type 021N |
Eikelboom type 1851 |
Haliscomenobacter hydrossis |
Microthrix parvicella |
nocardioform Actinomycetes |
Nostocoida limicola Typ II |
Thiothrix |
Your Advantages
specific detection of most important filamentous bacteria direct in samples
detection of living bacteria exclusively
quantitve assesment
information about combat strategy