VIT® SafeGuard

For the prevention of malfunctions, optimum and
stability, operational reliability, cleaning performance
and efficiency of the system.

The monitoring system for biological wastewater treatment

VIT® SafeGuard is a groundbreaking monitoring system that combines the power of microbiology with the expertise of process engineering. It enables regular balancing of the microbial biocenosis depending on the relevant process engineering parameters to ensure the stability of the biological plant and optimize the cleaning performance.

Find out today how you can optimize your biological wastewater treatment with VIT® SafeGuard to achieve maximum operational safety and treatment performance.

Application examples

Prevention of bulking and floating sludge

The formation of bulking and floating sludge is usually caused by filamentous bacteria. Many wastewater treatment plants use precipitants as a countermeasure or preventative measure. However, if the specific type of bacteria is known, various measures can be used more efficiently, sustainably and in a resource-saving manner.
The combination of microbiological and process engineering monitoring reduces chemical costs and increases operational safety.

Optimized degradation performance

Nitrification and denitrification are sensitive processes whose effectiveness can easily be impaired. By measuring the quantity and activity of ammonium (AOB) and nitrite oxidisers (NOB), performance can be monitored, limit value violations can be avoided and measures can be carried out more efficiently.
In wastewater treatment plants with biological phosphate elimination, the degradation processes are additionally optimized by monitoring polyphosphate-accumulating bacteria (PAO) and glycogen-accumulating bacteria (GAO).

VIT® SafeGuard Webinar

Discover the diverse application possibilities of VIT® SafeGuard in our webinar, presented by vermicon AG and H2Ortner GmbH. Using practical examples, you will learn first-hand how the monitoring system is successfully implemented in wastewater treatment plants to sustainably optimise cleaning performance and increase operational safety. Further information and dates can be found under the link below.

The advantages of VIT® SafeGuard

  • Effective direct monitoring of the microorganisms

  • Continuous monitoring of the relevant process engineering parameters

  • Early detection of deviations and malfunctions

  • Target-oriented recommendations for action for optimum operating results

  • Increased operational safety and stability of the wastewater treatment plant

  • Cost reduction thanks to timely and efficient use of countermeasures

  • Sustainable optimization of the purification performance

Microbiology meets process engineering

VIT® SafeGuard is the result of the close cooperation between vermicon AG and H2Ortner GmbH, which offers a unique combination of microbiological and process engineering expertise. By combining microbiological measurement data with process engineering measurement data and parameters, we can establish an early warning system that provides information about the stability of the wastewater treatment plant at all times. Deviations or undesirable developments in the biology are recognized before discharge values are exceeded. This raises operational safety to a new level and sustainably optimizes treatment performance.

vermicon AG

With over 25 years of systematic experience in the key aspects of biological wastewater treatment, vermicon AG has unique microbiological expertise in this field. Thanks to the patented VIT® gene probe technology, we enable the direct visualization, identification and quantification of microorganisms in wastewater samples.

H2Ortner GmbH

H2Ortner GmbH has specialised in problem solutions in the field of chemical and biological wastewater treatment for around 20 years. The company has an interdisciplinary team of dedicated chemists, environmental technicians and process engineers.

VIT® SafeGuard

VIT® SafeGuard is the monitoring system for biological wastewater treatment. The microbiologists at vermicon AG work closely with the engineers at H2Ortner to compare microbiological, chemical and process engineering values and determine the resulting recommendations for action.


VIT® SafeGuard has a modular structure and enables flexible adaptation to the individual requirements of industrial wastewater treatment plants. The cycle of analysis, evaluation and measures takes place at regular intervals. Thanks to standardized data acquisition and evaluation, deviations can be detected at an early stage and suitable measures can be initiated in timely manner in order to sustainably optimize the purification performance. Economic efficiency and high ecological standards are our constant companions.

The microbiological and process engineering parameters collected are displayed graphically so that changes within the biocenosis can be recognized immediately. Suitable countermeasures can be introduced efficiently and in timely manner to ensure the stability of the wastewater treatment plant and optimize the treatment performance.


Why combine microbiology and process engineering?

The biocoenosis is decisive for the degradation and conversion of substances and therefore for the purification performance of the system. The diversity of the biocoenosis acts as a buffer that absorbs environmental influences. An intact biocoenosis that is as diverse as possible guarantees flawless biological wastewater treatment. However, if individual bacterial populations are permanently damaged by internal or external influences, the biocenosis becomes unbalanced. This results in malfunctions, increased discharge values and reduced purification performance of the wastewater treatment plant. The stability of the biocoenosis therefore determines the stability of the entire plant.

Every wastewater treatment plant already monitors a number of routine parameters. However, operational analytics mainly focus on chemical and biochemical values, while the underlying microbiological processes are often neglected. In addition, these values are often only considered in isolation instead of analysing their correlations and using them as a holistic early warning system. As a result, the actual biological problem that causes changes in the chemical parameters can only be recognised and solved to a limited extent.

With vermicon AG's microbiological wastewater monitoring, combined with H2Ortner's extended process engineering monitoring, biological wastewater treatment can be monitored on an application-specific basis and implemented in normal day-to-day operations. VIT® SafeGuard enables targeted monitoring and timely reaction to changes within the biocenosis in order to avoid malfunctions and performance losses.


With VIT® SafeGuard, you ensure a high level of operational safety, optimize treatment performance and contribute to sustainable management of the wastewater treatment challenges. How can this be applied to your wastewater treatment plant? Contact us - we will give you a detailed overview!

VIT® SafeGuard Webinar

Discover the diverse application possibilities of VIT® SafeGuard in our webinar, presented by vermicon AG and H2Ortner GmbH. Using practical examples, you will learn first-hand how the monitoring system is successfully implemented in wastewater treatment plants to sustainably optimise cleaning performance and increase operational safety. Further information and dates can be found under the link below.

VIT® Vision Software

With VIT® Vision, the entire biology of the wastewater treatment plant can finally be recorded, analyzed, visualized and quantified. The results can then be implemented in the operational control system to optimize operational safety.

Biology of wastewater

The biocenosis is the centrepiece of every wastewater treatment plant. The stability and functionality of the microorganisms are crucial for effective biological wastewater treatment. The integration of a direct systematic monitoring of the biocoenosis enables targeted action and provides information on the effectiveness of the measures taken.