Via wastewater, new bacteria of various sources constantly enter wastewater treatment plants. Pathogens are among those bacteria and can pose a potential threat for staff and the surrounding environment. With VIT®, these pathogens can be controlled quickly and reliably, preventing them from spreading further.
Danger from pathogens
A wastewater treatment plant is a reservoir for a variety of bacteria. Of course, pathogens, i.e. bacteria causing diseases, are also among them.

Microbiological hazard potential
In addition to several viruses and protozoa, pathogenic bacteria can also occur in wastewater. These include especially Legionella, but also Salmonella, Campylobacter, Clostridia and Escherichia coli.
Safety with VIT®
With VIT® gene probe technology, pathogenic microorganisms can be identified and quantified directly in wastewater. By not relying on error-prone cultivation, the true extent of a contamination can be determined beyond doubt.
Following lab services could be performed:
Rapid quantification of Clostridium perfringens
Quantitative analysis of E. coli
Quantification of Legionella in wastewater treatment plant discharges
Detection of Salmonella in wastewater samples
Legionella in wastewater
With VIT® gene probe technology, legionella can be specifically identfied and quantified directly in the wastewater treatment plant's effluent. Due to the high bacterial count in the effluent, detection of Legionella according the conventional methods of the TVO is not correct. By contrast, VIT® gene probe technology does note require cultivation and can determine the number of Legionella without distortion.

Staining all cells in a wastewater treatment plant's effluent.

Identical view: direct detection of legionella in the effluent.