Test kit for rapid analysis, visualization and quantification of ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria
Item Number: 01110001
Detection of nitrifying bacteria
With our test kit Nitri VIT® the typical nitrifying bacteria populations can easily be analyzed directly in wastewater samples. Both nitrifying bacteria groups, ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria, are differently stained and thus, identified during one analysis. By means of our VIT® key both groups are quantified.
The analysis is easy to perform – with only a few minutes hands-on time. The results are provided within 3 hours. All essential consumables required for analysis are contained in the kit. Package size: 25 analyses.
Data obtained can support an efficient early warning system before chemical parameters indicate manifested problems.
Analysis can be performed with following samples:
- Activated sludge (directly)
- Other wastewater samples (directly)
- Biofilms (directly)
You prefer to send us your samples for analysis?
No problem with the nitrifying bacteria rapid analysis.
We are also happy to perform individual analyses of nitrifying or denitrifying bacteria populations.
Your Advantages
specific identification of ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria
quantitative results can be applied as an efficient prevention of disturbances
analysis directly in wastewater samples
detection of living bacteria only
fast results
highest specificity