VIT® Clostridium perfringens

Test kit for rapid analysis and quantification of the anaerobic,
spore forming bacteria Clostridium perfringens


Item Number: 01110029

Detection of pathogens in wastewater

Rapid and specific identification of Clostridium perfringens. C. perfringens is numbered to the group of anaerobic bacteria which are able to survive a long time even under bad environmental conditions by formation of spores. The bacteria can be found everywhere in environment, predominantly in soil but also in human and animal intestinal tracts. The heat resistance of their spores is characteristic. VIT® Clostridium perfringens easily and rapidly identifies the unwanted microorganisms.

The analysis is easy to conduct – only few minutes hands-on time. VIT analysis is directly made on an aliquot of the sample material. The results are provided within 3 hours. Analysis is performed by using a fluorescence microscope. All essential consumables required for analysis are contained in the kit. Package size: 25 analyses.

Analysis can be performed with following samples:

  • isolates (direct)
  • grown colonies (direct)
  • enrichments (direct)
  • wastewater treatment sludge samples (direct)


You want to send us your samples for analysis? No problem with rapid quantification of Clostridium perfringens.


Identical microscopic image after analysis with the test kit: phase contrast, all living bacteria shine green, C. perfringens specifically red.
Identical microscopic image after VIT® analysis: phase contrast, all living bacteria shine green, C. perfringens specifically red.

Your Advantages

  • specific detection of Clostridium perfringens

  • analysis of living bacteria exclusively

  • fast detection

  • highest specificity

  • detection is based upon our reliable VIT® gene probe technology