VIT® Nostocoida limicola II
Test kit for rapid analysis and quantification of the filamentous
bacteria Nostocoida limicola Typ II and Alysiosphaera
Item Number: 01110008
Detection of filamentous bacteria
VIT® Nostocoida limicola II detects all members of Nostocoida limicola II and Alysiosphaera directly within your wastewater sample. Only living bacteria are detected, unambiguously and reliably. By means of our VIT® key, detected bacteria can be quantified. Changes within one population can thus be monitored continuously.
By integrating our product into an early warning system you will save a considerable amount of chemicals.
The analysis is easy to conduct – only few minutes hands-on time. VIT® analysis is performed directy on an aliquot of the sample material. The results are provided within 3 hours. Evaluation is performed by using a fluorescence microscope. All essential consumables required for analysis are contained in the kit. Package size: 25 analyses.
Get your sludge analyzed for filamentous bacteria: With our services Filaments PLUS or VIT® for Filaments.
This product is also available as service Nostocoida limicola II rapid analysis.

Your Advantages
direct detection of Nostocoida limicola II and Alysiosphaera
applied as efficient early warning system
detection of living bacteria exclusively
fast detection
highest specificity
detection is based upon our reliable VIT® gene probe technology