Fruit Juice Analysis Methods
A comparison of VIT® Alicyclobacillus and cultural methods for the detection of Alicyclobacillus in fruit juice products
This study shows that the VIT® Alicyclobacillus analysis method is a fast, specific and reliable method for the detection of Alicyclobacillus and in particular of A. acidoterrestris. Even with cell numbers lower than 10 cfu per gram it was possible to unequivocally detect a natural contamination with A. acidoterrestris in real samples after only 2 days of pre-enrichment in BAM broth. In comparison the detection with cultural methods was possible after 9 days. VIT® Alicyclobacillus is therefore suitable as a fast screening method for fruit juice products, allowing the general detection of Alicyclobacillus and specific detection of the species A. acidoterrestris. An important advantage of the VIT® analysis method is that only viable bacteria are detected, which can be of major significance when testing heat-treated products.
Publication language: English
Dieter Sedlmair and Karin Thelen (2006): Fruit Juice Analysis Methods. A comparison of VIT® Alicyclobacillus and cultural methods for the detection of Alicyclobacillus in fruit juice products. In: drinks Technology + Marketing, March 2006, p. 16 – 18.