Ballast water

VIT® is the only system available worldwide, which meets all requirements for the microbiological control of ballast water.

IMO directive 2004

In 2004, the directive "International Convention for the control and management of ship's ballast water and sediments", containing specific requirements for the detection of microorganisms in ballast water, was issued by the IMO (International Maritime Organization). This directive has been ratified in 2016 and is now legally binding.

Microbiology of ballast water

The IMO dictates a specific detection of microorganisms as follows: Vibrio cholerae < 1 CFU/100 ml, Escherichia coli < 250 CFU/100 ml and enterococci < 100 CFU/100 ml. These values must not be exceeded by cargo ships. Only if these limit values are met, ballast water may be discharged in the harbor.

Microbiology of ballast water

Scan VIT® Ballast water

The product Scan VIT® Ballast water has been developed in close cooperation with SGS and is the only system that meets all requirements of the IMO 2004 directive. At a detection limit of 1 CFU/100 ml for each microbiological indicator, Scan VIT® Ballast water features an extremely high sensitivity combined with extremely high specificity.

Scan VIT® Ballast Water Enterococcus/E. coli

Scan VIT® Ballast Water Vibrio cholerae

It can be applied on board as well as by port authorities or in laboratories. Producers of ballast water treatment lines can also profit from this system.


Scan VIT® Ballast water
Developed in collaboration with SGS