On-Site Detection of Nitrifying Bacteria
On-site detection of nitrifying bacteria in wastewater samples using highly specific gene probes.
This publication presents a new detection system for nitrifying bacteria. With this analysis method, different nitrifiying bacteria can be identified directly on site in the activated sludge sample and can be monitored continuously. One look through the microscope provides instant information about the quantitative and qualitative composition of the sample – ammonia oxidizing bacteria clearly shine red, nitrite oxidizing bacteria shine green. Prior knowledge in microbiology is not required.
Publication language: German
Dr. Jiri Snaidr, Dr. Claudia Beimfohr (2001): Vor-Ort-Nachweis von Nitrifikanten in Abwasserproben mit Hilfe hochspezifischer Gensonden. In: wlb – Wasser, Luft und Boden, Zeitschrift für Umwelttechnik, July/August 2001.