Webinar: Excellence in Microbial
Control for Breweries

From quality assurance to VIT® gene probe technology and AI.

Dates and registration

As part of the webinar “Excellence in Microbial Control for Breweries”, professionals in the brewing industry will gain valuable insights into the microbiological fundamentals of the brewing process, innovative detection methods, and quality assurance strategies. A particular focus will be on how targeted control of microorganisms can help optimize production processes, minimize contamination risks, and sustainably increase efficiency.

Upcoming Dates: January 22
Time: 6:00 PM (CET)
Duration: 60 minutes + Q&A Session

Dr. Jiri Snaidr
(Founder of vermicon AG and Microbiologist,
expert in microbiological biocoenoses)

Richard Sold
(vermicon AG, Application Specialist for Breweries)

Platform: Zoom Webinar

Aim of the webinar

The webinar demonstrates how microorganisms can be detected and controlled in the brewing process to ensure product quality and prevent reputational damage from sensory flaws or recalls. The VIT® gene probe technology enables rapid and precise identification of relevant microorganisms, helping breweries optimize processes and minimize production losses.

The three key topics of the webinar:

  • LECTURE 1: Microbiology in Breweries – Importance for Quality Assurance
    In-depth analysis of the microbiological aspects of the brewing process, with a focus on the role of yeasts and bacterial contaminants. Overview of the composition of biocenoses in breweries and their influence on flavor, stability and fermentation efficiency.
  • LECTURE 2: Optimization of Microbial QC with VIT® Gene Probe Technology
    Presentation of the VIT® technology for the precise identification and quantification of microorganisms directly in brewery samples. Advantages such as faster and more specific results as well as options for integration into existing processes. Examples of savings and improved product safety through early contamination detection.
  • LECTURE 3: Innovations in Microbiology – Future Technologies for Breweries
    Overview of upcoming technologies, including AI-based applications and automation solutions for fermentation and process monitoring. The benefits of these technologies for increasing efficiency, sustainability and competitive advantages in the brewing industry will also be discussed.


The webinar will be supplemented with real-world case studies that highlight concrete examples from the brewing industry. It will demonstrate how targeted microbiological control stabilizes production processes, improves economic efficiency, and creates long-term competitive advantages.


Microbial quality control

Microbial quality control

Have you found microbial contamination in your sample and want to find out about the potential damage to production? We offer a comprehensive service portfolio and a wide range of test kits for fast and specific quality assurance of the entire production chain - from the raw material to the end product.

 VIT® Beer Screening

VIT® Beer Screening

The undesirable growth of beer spoiling bacteria / beer spoilers can lead to changes in odour, taste or colour and thus impair the quality of the beer. VIT® Beer Screening enables the specific identification of all relevant beer spoiling lactic acid bacteria.

VIT® Spoilage Yeasts

VIT® Spoilage Yeasts

VIT® Spoilage Yeasts allows the reliable exclusion of viable spoilage yeasts in still and carbonated beverages. In addition, a clear distinction is made between obligate and potentially fermentative yeasts.